A vendor is a firm or an individual that has a product or service for sale. Firms depend on a vendor’s ability to meet their needs in order to efficiently perform the functions of their business. Therefore, it is important for a firm to choose vendors who are able to meet their requirements. Firms use a process known as vendor analysis to assess the ability of existing or prospective vendors.
Vendor analysis identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each vendor, then compares them to find the vendor that best matches the needs of their company. A vendor analysis is conducted whenever a firm needs to find a new vendor or review the performance of its existing vendors. Let’s look at the process of vendor analysis.

In order to understand which vendor is the right one for you, it is necessary to understand your firm’s immediate needs for a vendor. For instance, a firm may open a new store in a different region and may look for a vendor that offers products indigenous to that area. Many companies review things such as a vendor’s reputation, financial strength, sales, capacity, prices, services, payment terms, qualities, or reliability.
It is important for a firm to identify what is important to them and what their deal-breakers are. Finding vendors that are reliable, have competitive pricing, and quality products may be important vendor characteristics for a firm. A bad reputation or not offering certain services may be deal-breakers.